Monday, April 20, 2009

and because comfort reading tends to be done with a snack in tow...

I'm also re-committing myself to getting back to the gym and in better shape.

Not that I've gained a ton of weight or anything, maybe just a few pounds in the past month or so, but I feel like improving my cardiovascular health has been on the back burner. And I don't see the same muscular definition that i saw a few months ago. I guess this means no more afternoon chocolate bars? No more late night snacks when I'm already full? No more carb laden breakfasts?


Anonymous said...

Something you should consider, if looking for both comfort reading and working out is how to combine them both.

I like to listen to audio books while working out, which helps me to feel like the time is not completely wasted.

Librivox is an excellent source of free and public domain audio books that can be loaded onto an iPod or burned onto CDs. The quality is sort of hit-and-miss, but you can't complain about free.

Gladis said...

I know I've read that sort of sentiment on your blog, that working out can feel like wasted time unless you're also engaging the mind, but that's not the case with me.

I like to not engage my mind with something else, so I can really be focusing on feeling every muscle group during circuit training and also getting to that empty mind place during difficult cardio. If I had a book in hand, I'd feel like my workout wasn't getting the 120% effort it needs and wants...

I like listening to audio books at home, though, when I'm cleaning and so on. I'll check that link out!

suburban farmwife said...

When I left Travis (both times) I couldn't sleep and I listened to The Wind and Willows downloaded from Librivox. Lovely.