Saturday, July 19, 2008

vuelta a casa

Oh, what can I say except that I love Colombia. Last night after we were picked up at the airport, we settled into our new home, etc I thought of a few things I thought might be of interest to you-

The drivers are totally scary. Oh wow. Very scary. There are motorcyclists everywhere and people just dip around each other, cars and cyclists both. There are some lines on the roads and some lights, but no one seems to notice them, anyways.

There was a salsa concert going on a few blocks away from our house, and I kid you not the energized music filtered in- through the hills of Cali- to my bedroom ALL NIGHT LONG. I LOVE it. I actually feel like I belong. Que raro, no?

Also, this is a gorgeous 7 bd- 4 bth house, and there is no warm or hot water, no joke.

Anyways, lots to get done still with unpacking and I am itching to get out and take a walk... blog at you later, I am sure.

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