Wednesday, September 3, 2008

editorial note!

Ok, a couple of things to address here...

Firstly. Yes, it is the middle of the night. What happened to the new schedule? I don't know.

Secondly. Cora lost her first tooth on Sunday. Sorry, I forgot to tell you! So, she has a little baby tooth gap and a little grown up tooth has made a tiny appearance.

Thirdly. I got an unreal amount of stuff done today/tonight... Tuesday is my verybusyday. [ha! remember when Thursdays were crazy w/ teaching at the homeschool co op and having Thursday classes too? wow, time flies]
Ah, but no riding to school today, I had to take the kids to Harry's right before class...

Lastly. We did our first real work in Chem lab today, but it was easy and kind of boring. It should get more interesting in the coming weeks.

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